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Just a minute

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Just a minute - an outline for a workshop or performance featuring one-minute improvisations


What happens

  • The improvisers that are present perform a series of 1-minute improvisations. There is a one minute interval between each piece

Things to consider and variations

  1. The timing device, how do we measure 1 minute
    • Options
      • As decided by the group or
      • The human clock, a method suggested by Neil Murphy.
        • One of the improvisers, ( we rotate this role) stands before the players and uses his hands and arms to imitate the hands of a traditional clock. In the starting position, both arms and hands are pointing vertically directly above his head. Observing a clock (the clock is unseen by the performers) his arms and hands imitate the arms of the clock, the piece starts when his arm starts to move. This process continues until his arms return to the vertical position above his head. The piece stops when the arms drop.
        • Why use this method
        • It has a human quality. Theatrical. Everyone does it. Moves the performers out of their seat. This reduces the playing group.
      • The mechanical, digital, clock. a real or a clock on a screen
        • The observation of one mechanical/digital clock by the performers may have the following qualities: non-human, a duty, non-theatrical and sterile. This is a personal opinion and maybe should be disregarded.
      • The simple solution is to try both methods for yourself or find another solution
  2. The one - minute interval, the space between the playing. Options to consider
    • Silence, The performers reset and refresh during the one-minute interlude or interval.
    • Add another event that engages in the theme of the piece
      • Poetry e.g. Haiku
      • As decided by the group
      • Reminder be aware, the interval piece is shorter than one minute, it has to enter and leave within one minute and allow transition time to the main performers.
    • Likewise, as with the performers who may not participate in every one minute piece, the one-minute `interval event` may not happen in every interval.
  3. Recorded music. Consider the playing of a one-minute piece of recorded music, instead of the live performance of those present in the room. This adds to the experience, brings `diversity`. More citation required.
  4. The total length of the show.
    • Decide the total length of the show,
      • Then divide by two, to give you: the number of one minute live pieces, and the number of one-minute intervals.
  5. Tacet time: The `musicians` do not play in every one-minute piece. For some pieces, 1 minute sound pieces some musicians are silent, for example, if there are 20 pieces lasting one minute a musician may only play in 15 pieces or episodes. The ratio and methodology need a further citation or to be decided by those present at the session.
  6. end

To follow and citation required

  • What skills does this design explore?
    • Psychomotor skills, be concise, no room for development, micro-events, pointillism, and more.
  • One minute composition can be deployed, graphic scores, though that is not the original aim of the score. Compositions, it can be done, it is an educational tool. 

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  • This piece - Just a minute, has its own forum and discussion zone in the sites phpBB forum
    • Smart search USR F512T842
    • Wildcard USR *T842
    • Nickname - no
  • The database id for this exercise is -  id: 004
  • Improvisers network Google drive account: This has its own folder > Workshops GD account > folder 004 005 > folder 004 Just a minute

proposed by Phil Morton

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