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Prepared Guitar & Extended Techniques: #1 (Intro & “Paper Bridge”)


Extend your guitar beyond it’s normal capabilities. Understand the meanings of “prepared guitar” and “extended technique.” This new series will teach new extended techniques for guitar and help you to be able to come up with your own.


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This is the first video of the series. A new extended technique will be demonstrated for each video. **Thank you for watching Not Right Music videos!**

Let me know what you think in the comments. Subscribe to keep updated. Many more videos to come dealing with a wide range of topics about music and the imagination!

NOT RIGHT MUSIC is a part of Nook Nook Music School in Tokyo, Japan. Marcus Staniec is the owner of Nook Nook. He has been teaching music since 1995. After Berklee College of Music he moved to Japan as a musician and an educator. He has taught music at top universities, high school, private schools, workshops, and now his own school. He is best known for teaching “unconventional music” and improvisation. He also continues to compose music for various media and frequently performs around the globe.

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