Salford Summit No. 8 - Ripsaw Catfish & Linea4 27.06.2019

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This month we've got a biggie for you all!! Two sets of improvised music from very different line ups featuring some strong musical personalities for sure.

Particular highlight is Ripsaw Catfish stopping by on their UK tour.

Ripsaw Catfish
The long-standing collaboration between London-based saxophonist Cath Roberts (Sloth Racket, Quadraceratops) and Manchester peace-disturber Anton Hunter (guitar).
Starting from carefully rehearsed compositional fragments that may or may not surface in the stream of open improvisation.

Two guitars, two saxophones. Linea4 come together from across the North, including Mark Hanslip, Ian Simpson John Jasnoch & Bruce Coatescath.

Doors at 7:30pm - entry £4 on the door.

Summit is a cross-discipline improvisation performance. Co-hosted by Mark Reid and Rob Thorpe, the night aims to provide a platform for upcoming experimental and exploratory work in a range of media. Curating a diverse and engaging performance with the hope of sparking new collaborations and further performances. Each event will be billed in advance, but is drawn on an open-call for projects. We will promote established performers alongside a supportive space for newer work. Summit will run on the fourth Thursday of each month at The Eagle Inn, Collier Street, Salford, with a cost-covering entry of £4.


Neither the artists,the venue, the event host or promoter posted the event details to this feature. Please check that the details listed are true (eg venue, date and start time) before traveling to the event. To verify the information presented visit the host website or the event facebook page.This article has been culled and posted by volunteers for and behalf of improvisers' networks online project.

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