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Improvisers Online Newsfeed open call for content

Improvisers online newsfeeds - Sharing our work.


There are two options or chanells

  1. Mailchimp newsletters

  2. Newsfeed posted to the webiste improvisersnetworks.online

If your event or article is hosted by the site, it will be included in the newsletters and newsfeeds automatically
If you have an article for the newsfeeds simply share a text document and an image via the form below. Plus any other information .

The Mailchimp newsletters cover the following locations,

North West of England

Frequency of the newsletters is currently monthly

The web application mailchimp is employed to manage and distribute the newsletters.
The Content Management System : Joomla, manages the online newsfeeds. 

The Online Newsfeed follow the `regions of England` plus Wales & Scotland

The regions of England are: North West, North East, Yorkshire and the Humber, West Midlands, East Midlands, East Of England, London, South East and South West

The subject covered is: The nature and practice of free improvisation in performance

All platforms and disciplines are to be included.
The site has a music content bias.
The subject content maybe extended to `free improvisation in performance and related practices`

Curated by Phil Morton : Liverpool:UK
email: listings@improvisersnetwork.co.uk

Listening forwards

 If you have an article for the newsfeeds simply share a text document and an image via the form below. 


Your Name:*
Article description:
Upload a File a text document, allowed file types, txt, rtf, doc. docx,xls, xlsx, rtf, txt, pdf, odt. file size limit 2MB*:*
Upload a File an image, types allowed jpg, jpeg, png only File size limit 2MB:
Word Verification:

Obstacles and one solution: The uploading of files may fail due to settings assigned to this form, the settings that maybe the source of the frustration are permissions associated with file types and file sizes. If your attempts to upload a share files and documents fail, an alternative is to use a FTP file sharing application such as `We Transfer` and send the documents to the following email address listings@improvisersnetwork.co.uk : If using a FTP service, you are requested to use the form to supply your notes and comments.

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