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Ensemble 50:50 Open & Online January 2024

Ensemble 50:50 Open & Online - Monday,  January 15th then every two weeks
Open door - Open access - all levels of musical experience are welcome. Simply complete the registration form if interested.


This online session supports

  • Ensemble improvisations made without prior preparation - and online
  • Using Zoom break-out rooms means we can support any number of participants.
  • Open access - there is no peer-to-peer review of applicants - all levels of musical experience are welcome.
  • You can bring whatever is in your sonic toolbox.
  • An online session to support a hybrid working pattern for improvisers.
  • It will increase your frequency of playing and ensemble improvisations.

Zoom Supports.

  • You do not have to travel to the venue, come rain or shine.
  • The participants will come from a more extensive geographical capture.
  • A different social, community vibe - you are often face to face with everyone in the room.
  • In Zoom, it is a simple process for the host to record a session. The Zoom host can share the recordings to support your interest and development in playing improvised music.

System 50;50 for improvisers supports.

  • The shaping of sound with silence
  • The shaping of the ensemble with tacet.
  • System 50:50 works well on zoom.
  • here is what Simon Ross wrote about System 50:50

System 50/50 works well - it’s a really good way to get a group to play effectively without egos , virtuosity , and shyness getting in the way. It is democratic, inclusive. coherent, leaderless, focused, there is room to think and time to listen, choices. It is less competitive more cooperative. Ends well. Simon Ross



Schedule 2024

The proposed schedule is to deliver the sessions every two weeks (except bank holiday weekends and a zoom host is not available)

This translates as the follow during 2024.

Monday, January 15, 2024
Monday, January 29, 2024 - confirmed this session is happening.
Monday, February 12, 2024
Monday, February 26, 2024
Monday, March 11, 2024
Monday, March 25, 2024
Monday, April 8, 2024
Monday, April 22, 2024
              Monday, May 6, 2024 no session: reason, it is a bank holiday
Monday, May 20, 2024
Monday, June 3, 2024
Monday, June 17, 2024
Monday, July 1, 2024
Monday, July 15, 2024
Monday, July 29, 2024
Monday, August 12, 2024
              Monday, August 26, 2024 no session: reason, it is a bank holiday
Monday, September 9, 2024
Monday, September 23, 2024
Monday, October 7, 2024
Monday, October 21, 2024
Monday, November 4, 2024
Monday, November 18, 2024
Monday, December 2, 2024
Monday, December 16, 2024
Monday, December 30, 2024


Suggested scripts for the form

  • Name of event, please enter Ensemble 50:50 Online
  • Location: please enter, On zoom
  • Comments: add your comments and any requests for support with Zoom and the associated technologies required to support online participation.

Name of the event or project, you have viewed on the website that interests you*
Location of the project if known: if not known, simply enter `not known`*
add your name to the contact list for this project and receive newsletters: .*
Your comments, tell us a little bit about yourself and your interest in this project*
Word Verification: The script is small and can lead to errors. Try the zoom function in your browser settings to make the script larger.

Notes to follow.

 To register for this event and project via eventbrite, please follow the link below.
The link will display all events posted to the Improvisers Networks Online account.
If an event has been posted it should be displayed within the list, if there is an omission it is because we have not updated the Eventbrite acount - yet: but we will

Eventbrite details are to follow

Technical requirements

Ensemble 50:50 online is delivered by Zoom.

How? please
complete the registration form and in the comments section, request a chat about zoom and associated technologies that support an online event.



About System 50:50

The Blank Canvas Octet is a project exploring free ensemble improvisation in music in a large ensemble context. It uses the ‘system 50:50` - where chess clocks are used to bring cohesion to the sound field which can often become cluttered. The result is a dynamic and shifting canvas of sound that allows small discreet sounds to be heard and deeper layers to be felt and expressed. An exciting project to participate in, to witness and to hear.

Charlie Collins, improviser, Sheffield wrote on system 50:50 “Definitely something with LOADS of possibilities - the reaction in the car driving back was unbelievably positive - no one could remember playing in a large ensemble that was so "open". The openness allowed me to play quietly, which meant the dynamics were incredible for an improvising large ensemble.” -

Another point of listening comes from Simon Ross, Macclesfield. `System 50/50 works well - it’s a really good way to get a group to play effectively without egos, virtuosity, and shyness getting in the way. It is democratic, inclusive, coherent, leaderless, focused, there is room to think and time to listen, choices. It is less competitive and more cooperative. Ends well.`

More information about system 50:50 here


Join the team

A team of four people are required to make this a sustainable long term project.
A team of four will make this a sustainable project by using standard management processes.
Work load: Four people working one hour per month will make this work.
In the short term, if you are interested in managing this project please complete the registration form and simple add some text in the comments section.
Suggested script: I would like to join the project team.

More citation to follow



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