Made in Manchester

Made in Manchester (4)

A collection of media material and documents reflecting free improvisation in a performance that has taken place in Manchester. The participants need not by Manchester-born artists. The sole criteria is that the event happened in Manchester. The collection is to be 15 items. Other criteria that are taken into consideration: to reflect the range and depth of material available. This project requests and needs curators to join a team that may expand the presentation and includes elements of `archiving`. 

Ripsaw Catfish

Wednesday, 11 July 2018 08:10

Centrifuge at ABIF 2015

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Centrifuge nos # 33 

Wednesday, 11 July 2018 07:58

Made in Manchester - intro and share a link

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Introduction - Made in...

Dave Birchall & Phil Marks duo, Manchester 06/11/10, part 1.