Todmorden: The Noise Upstairs Todmorden The Universal Veil 25 01 2022

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Free entry - collection for the guests. Before and after their set will be our regular jams. We hope to see you there!


January 25th

Before and after their set will be our regular jams. We hope to see you there!

The Noise is back at the Golden Lion. Bring your gear, bring your haggis (Burns Night!), bring whatever you like. As ever, if you want to play, put yer name in the hat. Let's see what shakes.
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The Universal Veil is a duo comprised of Sam McLoughlin (Twisted Nerve/Pre-Cert Home Entertainment) and Folklore Tapes head honcho David Chatton Barker. Their improvised live performances with their own handmade “ritual instruments” are by turns meditative, trancelike, joyous and surreal. Unusual sounds are spontaneously generated, recycled and transmuted into a deeply strange, magical and psychedelic soundscapes


Facebook - Todmorden :

About Noise Upstairs

The Noise Upstairs is an improv collective which runs a free-improv night in Manchester and Todmorden.

Facebook - Todmorden :

Web page :


Golden Lion is a public house // Serves Thai food // Work // Shop // Space // Music Venue for bands & Djs // Art Gallery //
Boutique Hotel .

Fielden Square, Todmorden OL14 6LZ


Neither the artists,the venue, the event host or promoter posted the event details to this feature. Please check that the details listed are true (eg venue, date and start time) before traveling to the event. To verify the information presented visit the host website, the event webpage or the event facebook page.

If attending for the first time, you are advised to check that this is still a live project, and that this is not a legacy page.

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