Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival 18 - 22 November 2021

Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival,
The UK’s largest international festival of new and experimental music


hcmf// Thursday 18 - Monday 22 November 2021

hcmf// is an annual, international festival of contemporary and new music, taking place over 10 days and consisting of approximately 50 events – including concerts, music-theatre, dance, multi-media, talks and film – with a related Learning and Participation programme devised and implemented to reflect the artistic programme and respond to regional need.

hcmf// aims to provide life-changing and unique artistic experiences to as wide an audience as possible; to be an international platform for new music and related contemporary art forms in Britain; to enthuse existing audiences and draw in new ones through adventurous programming and informed, stylish presentation, and to be an active cultural partner within the region.


2021 Programe

Follow this link for the programme


Neither the artists,the venue, the event host or promoter posted the event details to this feature. Please check that the details listed are true (eg venue, date and start time) before traveling to the event. To verify the information presented visit the host website or the event facebook page.

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