Les Petroleuses under Firebreak November 2020

Under the second Covid lockdown – aka ‘firebreak’ in Wales –  and still with a few hundred miles between them, Les Petroleuses (Lyn Hodnett and Gill Whiteley), find different ways to rip it up and slow burn….sonically and visually…

The soundtrack for the video brings together two independently recorded freely improvised tracks using various instrumentation, objects and voice. Lyn’s audio was recorded up a mountain, near Bala, Wales and Gill’s at Eagle Works, Stevenson Road, Attercliffe, Sheffield. The two audio tracks were spliced together and we met on zoom on 24 November to create this piece. In response to listening to the combined audio for the first time, we spontaneously performed together – whilst apart –  using drawing , mark-making, collage  and movement. Video/audio assembled with brazier clips by Gill. Created November 2020.

Watch the video here or on Youtube


bricolagekitchen (aka Gillian Whiteley) brings together art, politics and multi-media improvisation

As artist-improviser (working with performative drawing, voice, piano, piano accordion, harmonium, melodica, pixiephone, hurdy-gurdy, violin, viola, shruti-box and various objects) I practise across creative-critical boundaries in various collaborations with other thinkers, practitioners, writers and improvisers, for example, in [the gathering…the chewing], Alchemy/Schmalchemy, Les Petroleuses , [J]a[B]a[W].


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