Oxford Contact Improvisation 2 sessions May 2024

Contact Improvisation Class  at University Club.
Wednesday 8: Jam - practice session for contact improvisation. Suitable for experienced dancers and beginners.
Wednesday 22: Class - suitable for beginners and those returning to contact improvisation.




We use the University Club, Oxford for most events.

We're using the MPR room on the lower ground floor - through the entrance and dance down the stairs. There are changing rooms, lockers and showers - plus a bar/cafe upstairs, and bike parking. Oh yes, and the best sprung floor in Oxford!

The club is a 10 minute walk from the bus or train station in central Oxford. Limited street car parking or preferably use the park and ride.

Note: You don't need to be a member of Oxford University to join us at the club!

This is the address: University Club, 11 Mansfield Road, Oxford. OX1 3SZ. Their website: http://www.club.ox.ac.uk

Cost, booking

You don't need to book - just turn up except for the Beginning Contact Improvisation on Saturday 27 January. Otherwise, there's no card payment. It's £10 on the door for a class or jam either cash or bank transfer. Thank-you.

If you'd like details of our ongoing programme then please join our email newsletter list or our social media - see above. Thank-you.

Contact improvisation is a dance which originated in the 1970’s and which has now spread throughout the world. It’s often taught in university dance courses but it’s easy to learn and fun. It’s an improvised dance – a dialogue in movement – which has a fluid and dynamic form.

See our website and join our mailing list for events: http://www.contactdance.org

May 2024

Wednesday 8: Jam - practice session for contact improvisation. Suitable for experienced dancers and beginners.
Wednesday 22: Class - suitable for beginners and those returning to contact improvisation.

June 2024

Wednesday 5: Jam - practice session for contact improvisation. Suitable for experienced dancers and beginners.
Wednesday 19: Class - suitable for beginners and those returning to contact improvisation.


South Oxford Community Centre 
Lake Street Oxford OX1 4RP
United Kingdom

We're using the MPR room on the lower ground floor - through the entrance and dance down the stairs. There are changing rooms, lockers and showers - plus a bar/cafe upstairs, and bike parking. Oh yes, and the best sprung floor in Oxford!

The club is a 10 minute walk from the bus or train station in central Oxford. Limited street car parking or preferably use the park and ride.

Note: You don't need to be a member of Oxford University to join us at the club!

This is the address: University Club, 11 Mansfield Road, Oxford. OX1 3SZ. Their website: http://www.club.ox.ac.uk


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