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12 Step in step out for sound and dance

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The video presented demonstrates `step in step out`for musicians only, you are asked to extend this to include dancers/movers etc. The offer will have its own video in due course. 

Description Step in - step out for sound, dance and music
id  number 12

Name: Submitted by Phil Morton following a description of this session delivered by Bruno Guastalla in Oxford and retold to me by Martin Hackett of the Oxford Improvisers.
E-mail  n/a
name of the workshop exercise or musical score:  Step in step out for sound, music & dance - temp name.
To whom is the piece aim at or for:  citation required
What skills are explored:  citation required and to follow
History, where and when has the exercise been delivered:  Oxford
description in text if you opt out of uploading a file: Simple description.
There a number of particpants in the room, but only three can be `active` at any one time.
Phil Morton suggests, 6 is a good number to start with, 3 musicians & 3 dancers.
Any combination is permitted, with the rule that there are only three artists active.
It is assumed by Phil Morton, any artist can `start-step-in` or `stop-step-out` at any time.
The participation is driven by improvisation, free improvisation or spontaneous composition. etc.

This piece is very similiar to `Step in Step out` for musicians only, we are just adding the dancers/movers etc
media links audio.visual 1:  n/a
media links audio.visual 2  n/a
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