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10 Recycled pickups Anton Mobin

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Recycled pickups, by Anton Mobin 

id  10

Name: Anton Mobin 
E-mail  refer to contact details to be found in the pdf attachemnt that is located near the foot of this document. 
name of the workshop exercise or musical score:  Recycled pickups
To whom is the piece aim at or for:

From 10 years old.
Musicians (strings player) will find a particular interest in this workshop which is relevant
For both beginners and experienced do-it-yourselfers

What skills are explored:  Handling of specific tools (soldering iron, drill, winding machine), finalization capacity,  meticulousness
History, where and when has the exercise been delivered:

2017 : Lutherie, Urbaine, Paris, fr
2018 : CRAC, Montbéliard, fr
2018 : Doncaster college, uk

Description in text if you opt out of uploading a file:

A pickups is a microphone like those in electric guitars which amplifies metal vibration andelectromagnetic fields.

This microphone does not regulate the vibrations of the air, but all the vibrations of metallic objects and also in contact with the
surface of the magnet. It will be possible to amplify the vibration of a guitar string, springs and all others metallic objects. This
microphone is also sensitive to the perturbation of electromagnetic fields from mobile phones, digital screens and other electronic devices.
description workshop :

The workshop proposes to create a magnetic pickup from simple elements of our daily diverted from their primary utility to build at a lower
cost a proper magnetic pickup ; using a strong neodymium magnet, copper wire wound with a drill (or a winding machine) around a steel

Recycled » means we need recycle some coils in old radios, dvd
player, hard drive...

The aim is to make the difference in application about piezzoelectricity and electromagnetism and associate both amplification systems to produce
sound differently.

media links audio.visual 1:


media links audio.visual 2


 Full documentation in pdf format (English) find attachment link associated with this file
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