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Submit a workshop piece

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Submit a workshop piece or exercise for inclusion in this section of the website via the form below 

The exercises or workshop pieces are hosted at this webpage URL LINK - 

If you do not like forms or the form is a challenge send the information by email to workshops@improvisersnetwork.co.uk


Your name:*
Contact E-mail:*
1: The name of the workshop exercise or musical score:*
2 Please upload a file with the details of the workshop piece, current extensions list doc, docx, pdf, txt, rtf:
3 To whom is the piece aim at or for:
4 What skills are explored:
5 History, where and when has the exercise been delivered:
6 Please upload an image, file types allowed, jpg, jpeg, png, gif, :
7 Add a description in text if you opt out of uploading a file:
8 media links audio.visual 1:
9 Internet links; media links, audio.visual, social media links if relevant to the exercise being shared here:
10: Word Verification,tip adjust the size of the code displayed via your browser display settings to avoid reading errors:


Notes for the admin team: submits to email PMA - search Workshop Design The Form 

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