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Displaying items by tag: centrifuge

Session design: This series that is called Click! is an online, telematic project hosted by zoom. It is managed by Phil Morton under the lable: centrifuge
Numerically there will be between 6 and twelve participants in the session. The participants are experienced in the genre known as free improvised music.

Centrifuge : Developing an aesthetic

This is a stand alone project separate to the Centrifuge Concert series.
An open call to attend is shared with the same Centrifuge Network contact list
Here is the aim of the project.

This form is for musicians to register an interest in Centrifuge:
To be added to the contact list. 

Centrifuge Q&A : Questions and answers

Centrifuge brings an exciting collection improvising musicians from across the North, together in Manchester. The musicians, with a range of different musical practices, will combine in various small groupings to deliver a program of free improvisations in music.

Why is improvisation important?

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