present their ensembles Article XI and Favourite Animals, gathering together to play new music by the two bandleaders.
Article XI was assembled for Anton’s mjf originals commission at Manchester Jazz Festival 2014. Favourite Animals formed for Cath’s Artist In Residence/Headline Artist commission at Lancaster Jazz Festival 2016.
Featuring artists from across the European creative music scene, the two bands share many members and much common ground, while the music explores two composers’ different approaches to writing for improvisers.
There’ll be a workshop looking at 'How to put the creative into creative jazz orchestra’ at 3pm on 9 December. Sign up for details: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Refer to the calendar listing for more information.
£12/£10 concessions in advance
£13.50/11 concessions on the door