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Scratch (Bangor) project page 2020

scratch logo scratch logo

SCRATCH is a new series of improvised music events that aim to encourage an open dialogue among audiences, musicians and artists, building dynamics that may not have formed organically otherwise.

 This is an archive item : COVID-19 and lockdown resulted in the May 2020 / Sept events not happening

The emphasis is very much on performance as art/action/event! SCRATCH is dedicated to the practise of improvised music, contemporary composition and performance art.

Storiel Bangor have very kindly offered us their upper gallery for our gigs and we very much hope that through the interaction of performers and audiences within the space SCRATCH events will also generate something of a unique sonic response to the content of the works on display.

Schedules 2020

Feb 26th - delivered
May 20th - confirmed
Sept 16 TBC
Dec 16 TBC

web site: https://dukesofscubazine.blogspot.com/p/scratch.html

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