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Marketing campaign for Improvisers networks Wales

Marketing campaign for Improvisers networks Wales starts here


A marketing campaign in hard copy,

  • Marketing material in printed format that promotes free ensemble improvisation in Wales.
  • How ?
    • By directing individuals or groups to a portal that displays information about free ensemble improvisation in Wales, URL LINK
    • By directing individuals or groups to a portal that host the debate about the nature and practice of free ensemble improvisation.
  • There is funding available for the printing and the distribution
  • Locations for display, Social spaces, music venues, sites of higher education with a art/music courses, art centres.
  • This campaign is linked to, social media campaign, and the `just google it` post card & business card campaigns.

Finance and funding

  • As of February 2022 there is up to £1500 to support this marketing campaign.
  • Regional organisations that support free ensemble improvisation may collect subs from the `membership` or participants. A proportion of the funds collected could be allocated to support the marketing campaign.

Hard copy: sizes and production values.

  • Posters: A3 and A4
    • To be printed in colour and black and white. The design needs to be demonstrated that it will work in black and white, this is due to financial considerations and limitations.
    • The Welsh version may need to be A3 with 2 A4 version embedded within, one English & one Welsh.
    • Examples of posters, available for download are available by going to the `posters` tab featured within this article.
  • Postcards: The `Just Google It` campaign
    • Size A6, in Blank and White.
    • Bi-lingual, printed on both sides,

Social media

  • Improvisers Wales social media accounts are
    • Facebook Group
    • Twitter
    • Instagram
  • Supported by
    • A buffer app account that supports the scheduling of a social media campaign.
    • The portal `Improvisers Networks Online` hosts articles that are `one-click` away from a posting to an individual/the viewers social media account.
    • Improvisers Wales is looking to  create a team, paid and unpaid, to deliver and maintain this social media campaign that supports free ensemble improvisation in Wales

Good enough for now, safe enough to try

  • Please consider the contextualizing this proposal with this phrase `Good enough for now, safe enough to try` - we can, edit, and change the marketing policy over time, Phil Morton suggests this proposal `is good enough for now, safe enough to try`.


  • the phrase within the `google search box` needs to be `improvisers networks Wales ` if we want the portal to be displayed as the first ranked item in the google search results web page.
  • The text in the Welsh version has not been `signed off` and is still in `draft` mode - 04.10.2019


Discussions & Decisions at work

(more citation needed on this section)

There is aim to create, a management tone or style to delivers the aim of Improvisers Wales, here are some rough notes (first draft)


  • The aim is to promote free ensemble improvisation.

Management style, attributes and values

  • Transparency - open access to information.
  • Collaborative, group/ensemble work processes
  • Accountable, all processes are subject to peer review in meetings.
  • It is an open management system operating in the digital domain.

The Meetings:

  • Online on zoom. At the time of writing (Feb 2022) there are online meetings every two weeks on a Monday at 18.00 hours, refer to the Improvisers Network Online - Wales Home Page for up to date information. All welcome to attend

Application that support the meetings, the discussions and decisions at work

  • The forum, follow this link, or enter the unique search reference T1382 in the search box of the forum
    • This forum is prob too technical for most people.
  • The Ty Cerd/CoDi off grid Slack account (link)
  • Zoom: Improvisers networks Online, has a professional zoom account. This si available to those individuals and organisation who support the aims & objects of this project.
  • Google Drive Account - Improvisers Wales account, for documents
  • Checklist - an online check list to schedule tasks.
  • Doodle app. The Improvisers networks Online professional doodle account to support scheduling and diary items

Decisions at work

  • a document that outlines how decisions are made is in preparation.

The Posters

Created by Phil Morton, Liverpool UK using `gimp` software, on a laptop. Linux Ubuntu 18.04
Copies available on request.PNG image files are available to download at the bottom of this article.


    • The posters are not time bound by dates presented within the poster. They can remain in place and remain relevant
    • The posters are not linked to a specific organisation so they can remain in place and remain relevant
    • Blank and white. A version of the poster will be made available that works in black and white. This supports the printing of the poster on basic photocopies and a low price.Versions and variations.

The image needs to communicate via a graphic image not text

      • Performance
      • Improvisation,
      • Ensemble based,social based.
      • Extended techniques.
      • and more. Simples!

Versions and variations

      • There will be different version of this poster, the difference is the large top image will vary.
      • The different version will help freshen up the marketing campaign
      • Each versions may reflect different art forms and practices
      • Each versions may reflect different personalities

This is not the `print version`. It is for demonstration only.
How to obtain a print version will follow shortly.

A3 Version 6B cymru 800px wide


This is not the `print version`. It is for demonstration only.
How to obtain a print version will follow shortly.

A3 Version 6B wales 800px wide

This is not the `print version`. It is for demonstration only.
How to obtain a print version will follow shortly.

A3 Version 6B wales guit 800px


A simple A6 post card that suggests to the reader that if they wish to know more about free ensemble improvisation in Wales that they google the script suggested. We cannot control how google search engines work, but it is statistically legitimate to suggest the Improvisers networks Online homepage for Wales will present itself as Rank 1 in the google search results if we use the script suggested.

We are not displaying a fixed web link (URL) because

  • The URL of a website can loose its status over time and result in an error 404 page
  • The URL is too long.
  • When was the last time you typed in a URL?


  • A6 size
  • Black and white
  • Bi-lingual. The A6 card is a two sided printed item with English on one side, Welsh on the obverse.
  • To be printed in batches of 1000 and distributed throughout wales.


V7 just google it A6 postcard welsh


version T7 just google it A6 postcard wales


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