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Toshimaru Nakamura, Rhodri and Angharad Davies, Aberystwyth 2018

Made in Wales @Listen to the Voice of Fire, March 2018, Aberystwyth



Toshimaru Nakamura, Rhodri Davies & Angharad Davies @Listen to the Voice of Fire, March 2018, Aberystwyth. This was Nakamura's debut in Wales-made possible by funding from Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation and Daiwa Anglo Japanese Foundation. A week-long project, recording at Lts in Llanon with various improvisers, collaborating on an 'object score' derived from items held in the Aberystwyth University Ceramics collection. Goodwill, beer, aesthetics led to this fierce and contemplative performance playing to a full house at Ceredigion museum, a mesmerising evening capped-off by this wonderful trio. We could have listened all night.

This recording is available via the Exemption From Meaning CD/DL.
Presented here as a taster for LVOF 8 'unland' with Rhodri Davies, Angharad Davies and Richard Craig, Aberystwyth March 9th 2020.

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