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grŵp cynfas gwag - open session, Pandy Tudor 04 09 2021

grŵp cynfas gwag - open session,


You are invited to this grŵp cynfas gwag - open session,
It is a music session. there maybe other artistic practices to be witnessed too.
The music is not composed.
It is free, ensemble improvised music,

Expect the following

  • Free improvisation, to a fixed time limit e.g. 10minutes. referred to as `metered free improv`
  • System 50:50 - for more information google it suggested script `improvisers network system 50;50`
  • Un metered free improvisation

Criteria for participation

All levels of ability are welcome.
If you have never played free improvisation before, regardless of your technical abilities, you maybe asked to site and lsiten to one pice before you engage in the session.

Date and times

date, to be confirmed it will be one of the following

  • Saturday 04 09 - The date confirmed

please arrive at 14.00 BST, session starts at 14,30


free, there is no fee at present.


This event is scheduled to be monthly at this location.
There are plans for weekly events, using a range of venues in North wales.

Address: Nanerth, Pandy Tudor, Abergele LL22 8UN

Created and maintained by the artists, Andrew leslie Hooker and Meliisa Pusut


Anoikis is a contemporary dance company dedicated to choreographic and electroacoustic research. Anoikis is developing its signature live electroacoustic/experimental dance compositions to incorporate the languages of butoh and extreme characterization


Anoikis website


The address: Nanerth, Pandy Tudor, Abergele LL22 8UN

Find the A548
From Llanrwst turn right onto B5384
From the north / Abergele direction turn left onto the B5348
After 1.4 miles (google maps says) turn right onto an unclassified road, which has a display with the word Nanerth on it
refer to the image below

Llanrwst (google maps) is 5.8 miles, the duration by car is 13 minutes.
Llanrwst has two railway stations, so be careful if you arrange to meet at the station!


The foreground road is the B5348, one of the signs (google street life) says Nanerth, take this track to reach your destination

Screenshot Ikaros Nanerth 800px

COVID-19 policy

The venue is well ventilated, it is a converted barn
Please confirm attendance by one of the following methods

  1. Send an email to Phil Morton : philmorton@improvisersnetwork.co.uk
  2. By completing the `doodle` including the confirmation process.

Please do this, as the previous session was close to capacity taking into account best practice from a COVID-19 policy

Please take a `lateral flow` test (free from phramacies) either prior to tavelling or on arrival.

Interested? register here

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