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      <page pageid="4" ns="0" title="Reductionism (music)">
          <rev contentformat="text/x-wiki" contentmodel="wikitext" xml:space="preserve">Reductionism (music)

There is a posting for this topic in wikipedia
here is the link

[ Reductionism (music)Wikipedia entry]

Reductionism is a form of improvised music that developed towards the end of the 20th century.[1] The centres of the music include Berlin, London, Tokyo and Vienna.[1] The key characteristics of the music include microtonality, extended techniques, very soft and quiet dynamics, silence, and unconventional sounds and timbres.[1]

Some of the leading names associated with Reductionism are Radu Malfatti, Toshimaru Nakamura, Axel Dörner and Rhodri Davies.</rev>
      <page pageid="145" ns="0" title="Referent">
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== Introduction ==
[[Phil Morton]] has come to adopt the term used referential or a referent, or he proposes those active in [[free]] [[improvisation]] acknowledge this term maybe useful

Referential simply means the improviser/musician is required to refer to an external referent, that maybe a document or idea that influences what the person does within the parameters of music.

Thus free improvisation, free ensemble improvisation should delivered without the presence of an external referent.

This is an attempt by Phil Morton to bypass the binary world of [[free]] [[improvisation]] vs composition

== Source ==

Free Ensemble Improvisation, Harald Stenström A Thesis []

== Related topics ==

* [[Agency]]
* [[Free]]</rev>