Friday, April 19, 2024

Do you have an event that includes improvisation?

Do you have an event that includes improvisation?


Promote you event by sharing it with the Merseyside newsletter dedicated to improvisation, improvisation in music, dance, and all platforms

A newsletter started in 1998 sharing news about improvisation on Merseyside.

The portal, the home page at the website improviser networks online, can also feature your event.

Simply complete the form below, or alternatively send an email to

Share, exchange - collaborate.

Phil Morton

Your Name: both boxes need to be completed*
Short description:optional
Upload a File: a document that contains all the details about the event to be included in the newsletter : formats, txt, rtf, doc. docx, odt
Upload an image: for inclusion in the newsletter, jpg, jpeg, png only
Comments: Optional comments, about the process
Word Verification:

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