Option 2 - Space and Play

Plan A is `tacet + freeplay` but there are other options available for consideration
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Phil Morton
Joined:Tue Nov 10, 2015 12:42 pm
Option 2 - Space and Play

Post by Phil Morton » Fri May 17, 2019 7:38 am

This option, is a proposal, and has not yet been tested or deployed.
The detailed thinking will follow.

Short summary:

tacet - is a command, a restriction, a passive state, a withdrawal.
Space - the player is contributing to the piece with silence, or silence is re-configured as `space`, it is a contribution, active?, shaping sound with silence.

Drop `free` in free play - the word `Free` is vague or has too many meaning, foggy shared understanding?
Play - will do,
Play - to play: a phrase or state Derek Bailey was fond of.


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Phil Morton
mob : 07999518582
skype id nervetech

Joined:Wed Sep 13, 2017 1:55 pm

Re: Option 2 - Space and Play

Post by hartwell » Sat May 25, 2019 9:59 am

I find the term 'tacet' slightly odd as it not a term used out in the street very often. 'Silent' is used.
So 'play ' and 'silent' would be more immediate. (One is an instruction and the other a description, if this matters.)
I find the difference between space and play requires more thought than it ought to, if it is intended to be a simple binary instruction.

Today my solution for the labels would be 'play' and 'listen'. They are terms of the same type - they indicate what the performer should be doing. That said, people should listen while playing!

In theory any pair of terms could be used. So one could have legato and staccato (or continuous and discontinuous). Or loud and soft. Or foreground and background (I don't think solo and accompaniment will work, as there could be many 'solos' at the same time). Drone and tune, maybe.

More fancifully the two words could be as in a verbal text: say banana and orange, or black and white, or sky and sea, stone and leaves, which would require a more substantial act of interpretation.

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