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1 Welcome to Improvisers' networks discussion board

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 12:33 pm
by Admin
The improvisers' network: From Local to Global, from Wales to New South Wales

The benefits of networking include. ( Source Arts Council wales )

Sharing skills, knowledge and expertise
Provide support.
Encouraging collaborative working
Sharing resources
and facilitating the debate, the discussion of our practice and ideas.

If "facilitating the debate, the discussion of our practice and ideas" is an objective,
this phpBB discussion board is a primary tool to deliver that objective.

The web site, the portal

To become a “one stop shop” that hosts the documentation of our practice in all formats, to become a signpost to find the documents, the media files elsewhere. To maintain the listings calendar that reveals and shares who is doing what, with who and where.

This is year two of a five year process.
Join the conversation.
Phil Morton April 1st 2014
Scheduled to complete in April 2018