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Concerts Request Form 

Welcome to our Concerts request form. the form will collect all the information the promoter needs to proceed with a booking. Please complete all relevant sections.  


Name of your Act
Your Name:*
Your E-mail:*
Skype contact details
Telephone home: (Land line)
Telephone work (land line)
Telephone (mobile)
Website of act:
Other websites
Twitter account

Description of your Act and Dates

State the dates you want, or if you have no specific dates just write "open dates gig request"

Dates and Information
Type of Act
Length of Set

Strap line (max 10 words) 
These details & description below are included in our "Press Release" statements. Please treat them seriously and bear in mind that they will be read by people who have never heard of you!

Strap line*

Summarise your event.

You have 250 characters, so make it count! This will go to the press association, and onto all of the UK media.
Describe your act below*

Full description of act

Personnel (include full line-up & instrumentation) You have 250 characters, *
What technical specifications do you require: this is an important detail for the promoters to know as early as possible: due to the financial implications involved .
Other Tech specifications and riders


This section is concerned with travel and travel costs. It is therefore relevant for us to know where live and your country of residence.

Your Home Town
Your Home country of residence

Estimated Travel Costs: UK Residence

  • Please indicate realistic overheads regarding travel
  • if traveling home that night etc please include this. These overheads can sometimes be larger than the fee, the promoter needs to manage or be aware of these figures.
  • if you are traveling to the UK please but on a tour, please confirm this.if not view next section.
    • indicate that this is a realistic application by providing evidence or plans regarding how you intend to travel to the UK;
    • and how you travel within the UK once here;
    • put simply are we part of a tour? If so lets us know the details
Travel costs: UK

Travel and Flights: Non-UK residence

Traveling to direct Liverpool from outside of the UK?

With the advent of cheap air-flights it may be cheap and cost effective to fly to Liverpool Airport

Therefore (especially for solo acts) the promoter suggests you supply a realistic costing of the air-flight to Liverpool with your request

This saves (our) time and work and increases your chance of a booking.

Travel Costs Non-UK


*If any member or musician is not a UK/EEC resident or legally resident in the UK/EEC please indicate this and what actions you are taking regarding work permits etc.

Are all musicians legally resident in the UK/EEC: if not have work permits been obtained*


The promoter has to work with the resources available. Accommodation options are:

  • Hotel,
  • guest-house,
  • private accommodation,
  • to none - the musicians travel home that night.

Please indicate the range of accommodation types you'll accept

Please ensure when we discuss fees, that travel and accommodation costs are considered.

Accommodation: Please select


Do you have high quality action or portrait photos of the act?

"Events with images gets 10 times as many views. Large and high quality images result in higher visits", is the advice from the press association. 

Check the box for yes.


Fees are usually best discussed on the phone, if you wish to be specific at this stage enter your fees here.

Further notes to the promoter

This may include comments about the form. Tell us if it confuses you & how
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